Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Although mostly men

Although mostly men we also see from the example at Oprah's "Leadership Academy", that predators, molesters and sexual abusers can be women too. Anytime you leave your child in the total care of someone else (without training your child) you leave your child prone to and susceptible to Child abuse and it's many forms. Even if your child is trained properly, you as the adult in charge of this child's life should always ask questions, and you as the child's guardian should never be too trustful of anyone other than yourself.

Another jerkass in the news today. This one holding a high position in a, get this "Children's museum". "Robert Singer" arrested for allegedly sending over 80 pornographic pictures of children to a cop in the Bronx, that was posing as a 12 yr old in a chat room.
People Please.......Stop giving your child total access to computers without adult supervision.
Hey if you have to then have just 1 computer in the house and watch your child when they are on it. This is the truth people: There are predators out there trying to get your child, and they disguise themselves in many forms, and they have many trick up their sleeves.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Child abuse can happen anywhere, even in Oprah's school

The news in the last few days has been about the child abuse that occured at Oprah Winfrey's leadership academy in Africa. No one can blame Oprah for what happened. Child abuse can happen anywhere at anytime. This is why it is so important to teach the child, and talk to the child about the possibility that a sexual predator would try to approach them to abuse them. Train them to know the tricks that these sick individuals use to gain children's trust or fear. Do not be afraid of talking to your child about what can happen if they fall for the tricks of a predator. Be more fearful of letting your child be ignorant.

Friday, October 26, 2007

All this news against children in one day

Yesterday was something else. First we hear about a young girl from a Catholic School in the Bronx, in a pornographic movie wearing her school uniform. I guess these filmakers keep catering to Pedophiles. Finally seducing a young woman into their seedy, slimy warped world.

Then we hear about "Graham Hurly" from New Jersey, arrested for hundreds of thousands of pornographic material which he kept in such a secure room, so secure that it needed fingerprint approval for entering the room. In there he had 7 hard drives with all sort of disgusting material involving children, and an area in which he would film children doing all sorts of things. He was even secretly filming his own 13yr. old step daughter and her friends.

A Karate instructor in Long Island was arrested a few weeks back for "molestation" and now they find out that he may have molested more than 10 boys. I'm sure they will find out that there are more than 10.
According to profile, most pedophiles will molest more than 30 children before they are caught. This can change if we train our children properly. If we teach them to say "No", and to tell when something makes them feel uncomfortable. Trust your child, and learn to respect your childs feelings. If your child doesn't wanna stay somewhere or go somewhere, honor that. Don't force your child to like anyone. There is so much to tell a child, but you can't tell them everything in one day. It has to start today, but give info slowly. Role playing is also good. As well as letting children know what kind of tricks these people play in order to convince children to do things they want them to do. Mothers familiarize yourself with the tricks these perpetrators use to abuse and hurt your child.

Mother's watch your children carefully. Be very vigilant. There are predators out there in every walk of life waiting for their opportunity, their chance to attack, assault, hurt your child. Train your child to tell you everything, and do not trust ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE. The only one you can trust with your child is yourself.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

new security for partying in N.Y.C.

1 Security for every 75 patrons. As if this would really make a difference. It's not like Security is gonna go home with you at the end of the night. Party people have to take their safety into their own hands. They have to learn how to take care of themselves. They have to learn the do's and don'ts of going out.
1. Always have your own money for your own drinks. Stop relying on the jerk that is eyeballing you to buy you drinks.
2. Never, ever under any circumstance leave your drink alone. Hellooooo someone can drop any kind of drug in there.
3. If you are going to drink please don't drive.
4. Have enough money for a cab home, and have the cab pick you up at the club/bar.
5. Never get soooo drunk that you forget to take care of yourself
6. Never leave with a guy you just met. No matter how cute he looks. For God's sake get to know whoever it is you wanna go home with.
7. Never take your social security card and/or all of your credit cards in your wallet. If you lose your wallet someone will have all of your information.